Thursday, December 26, 2019

Fun worksheets on the TES website

Space Dog Alfred - three worksheets - one cloze exercise, one discussion starter and two wordsearches. Suitable for year (grade) 6 or 7  but you can decide for yourself.


Space Dog Alfred is now available from Amazon, paperback and Kindle

Kindle is cheaper but harder to wrap up and put under the tree. The library is your cheapest option. The ISBN is  978-1517351182





Thursday, December 19, 2019


This year I published twelve short stories together in Darkness in Durrington which is the third book in the Durrington Detective Agency trilogy. I do not know if I will produce another book and turn it into a tetralogy. I have written one more Durrington Detective Agency story since Darkness in Durrington.

I have written reviews of books, TV programmes and films for The Socialist. One result was that I was expelled from the Labour Party. I asked Worthing West Labour Party to point to a single sentence that I had written which was anti-Labour. I was told that the content was "irrelevant". No writer wants to hear that!

My review of Tombland was also published in Printed Words magazine and I didn't get expelled from anything for that.

I have had work published in Alternative History Fiction, the Tall Tales and Short stories anthology and in Page and Spine in America. I was going to include a story in The Moon but I checked and that was actually December 2017. How time flies.

The blog has been successful with over 45 contributors and 10000 visitors. 

                                Author page of Amazon

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wikipedia defends Blair

Wikipedia has blocked any editing on the page of mass-murdering war criminal Tony Blair. If anybody thinks he can whitewash his disgraceful history they are wrong.

The BBC use Blair to attack Jeremy Corbyn. We will see how well (or hopefully otherwise) his sock puppets will do in Labour’s leadership election.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Ten years of Tories

If the BBC had a shred of honesty they would revisit the people they interviewed before the election who said they were Labour voters but would vote Conservative. They would ask them if they voted for ten years of Tory austerity (ten years of cuts, ten years of lies etc).

The Tories shut down Parliament because it wouldn't do their bidding. They aim to shut down elections too in case the electorate tire of them.

Johnson intends to revoke the fixed term Parliament Act with the intention of ten years of Tory rule. He might as well elect himself dictator for life and have done with it.

The BBC and Channel Four have had thinly veiled threats from the Tories that they will either toe the party line or their funding will be cut.

Prior to the election the broadcasters and the gutter press focussed on convincing Labour voters it was OK to vote Tory just this once to "Get Brexit Done". The horrifying reality of ten years with the horror clown in number ten will gradually dawn on them. All the promises of more money for schools and the NHS will vanish like the mist.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Greta Thunberg praises other activists

“It’s really about them,” Thunberg said of the young activists from developing countries already facing the effects of climate change, including violent storms, droughts and rising sea levels. “We talk about our future, they talk about their present.”

The gutter press has derided and bullied Greta Thunberg and it has done nothing to stop the tide of protest about the climate emergency.

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Vote with your conscience

You might think Sir Peter Bottomley is an honourable man. I couldn't possibly comment on that. 

However, if you vote for him you will be voting for five years with a Prime Minister who lies as frequently as he breathes. An article in the i newspaper detailed a number of Johnson's greatest lies in 2018. He has lied many times since then. Most notably he lied over proroguing parliament when he lied to the Queen, he lied to Parliament and he lied to the public. Whenever he talks about trust in politics on TV the audience burst into laughter.

He was such a liar even the Tory "Times" sacked him. It would be no bad thing if the electorate did the same.

You will be voting for five more years of Tory cuts. The Tory promises on spending almost make up for the amount they have cut but not quite. And they are empty promises. They promised to get rid of fracking. That solemn pledge lasted three days. How long will these promises last?

You will be voting for the infantile and dishonest pledge to "get Brexit done" this year, next year. sometime. The only purpose of the slogan is to distract attention from the disastrous consequences of austerity. 

Nicky Morgan MP said on the Today program that if you do not trust a politician the thing to do is to vote against them. She said it twice. Boris Johnson cannot have been pleased.

I will be voting for the victims of austerity.
I will be voting for those who save lives.
I will be voting for the teachers.
I will be voting Labour.
I am not a Labour Party member (I was expelled) but I can only vote with my conscience.

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Beyond the Hemingway App

You can buy the Hemingway app but it is also free to try at It is a tool for writers. It is very valuable for flash fiction and for writing for children and young adults. It seeks out long sentences which you can break up into shorter sentences. It can help you to drop complex vocabulary and reduce the use of the passive voice. It declares war on adverbs. It also has a word count.
Writers ought to use it in the same way as a cyclist uses stabilisers. Use the app by all means but you must be able to do these things for yourself. One great writer who never used the Hemingway App was Ernest Hemingway.

Remember to send your masterpiece of flash fiction to (85 to 1000 words. So every word has to count.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Anti Semitism Tory ploy

Chief Rabbi and Boris Johnson associate Ephraim Mirvis knows perfectly well that criticism of Israeli policy does not constitute antisemitism. If it did half the population of Israel would be anti-semitic.

The fact that it is not true will not stop him, however. The Conservative Party has a non-exclusive relationship with the truth.

He does not believe that the majority of working-class people will be better off with a Conservative Government.


He attacks Labour and urges the Jewish population to vote for a party that deals in lies and has done nothing but attack the living standards and services of the poor.

According to Wikipedia "Ephraim Mirvis (born 1956) is an Orthodox rabbi who serves as the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth. Traditionally the Chief Rabbi serves as the head of all British Jews as the Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. However, some Orthodox communities (either affiliated to the Federation of Synagogues or to the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, or non-affiliated communities) do not consider the Chief Rabbi to represent their communities."

The BBC has remained very silent about this. 

There are reporters for the BBC who simply peddle the Israeli official line. There are others who take a more skeptical (or dare I say it professional) approach. This has never been trumpeted as the "anti-semitism crisis at the BBC".

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

I go to Poundland to save money!

Normally I expect to save money by going to Poundland and usually that's what I do. However that was not what happened yesterday.

This is the letter which I sent to Poundland:

I used your Worthing store yesterday at about 1.30 and I used the cash machine. The machine registered an error and said the money would not be dispensed. However, my bank account was debited by £100. The West Sussex police have been contacted. The bank has filed a complaint.

One disturbing factor was that the staff mentioned "That is the third time that has happened." Something should have been done before the third event!


Monday, November 18, 2019

Pensions in Europe

What are pensions elsewhere in Europe?
Fullfact has a long article about the complexity of this issue but in the end, they admit "the proportion of pensioners’ earnings from publicly provided benefits is the smallest in the UK, at just 43%. In France, Germany and Spain, it’s closer to 70%." 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Green Party reply on school cuts

I have written to all candidates about cuts. I personally oppose the Green Party’s unprincipled deal with the LibDems but this is the reply:

Good morning,

Thank you so much for your email about this very important issue. I have signed the pledge. 

As an educator myself, I am appalled by the cuts to education brought in by years of Tory government. Teachers, administrators and staff have been valiant and hard-working in this context, and they deserve better for the essential service they are providing to our society. 

The Green Party rejects market driven models of education that see its role only in terms of international economic competitiveness and preparation for work. We want to develop an education system that will nurture a desire to learn throughout life. Education should be at the heart of communities and for communities, and should promote equality, inclusivity, social and emotional well-being and responsibility and be democratically accountable to them. Education is a right and an entitlement and should be free at the point of delivery to people of all ages.  

If I have the privilege of becoming your MP, I will work with others to integrate grammar schools, academies and free schools into the comprehensive system, ending the charitable status for schools in the private sector. This will free up significant funds to ensure that quality education is available to all. We will also abolish Ofsted, primary school SATs and league tables in order to ease the overemphasis on attainment that is detrimental to both pupil and school-wide wellbeing at all levels. Class sizes will be reduced to 20 at both primary and secondary level, and we will work to reduce total secondary school places to 700, to enhance a sense of community.

The Green Party has a long history of standing up for students and educators, and I am honoured to be able to fight for children, schools and teachers in Worthing West.

With best wishes,

Snap Election - Snap Hustings

I received this from Worthing Skeptics -

By popular demand, we have organized a Hustings for you!

It's at Field Place Barn on Thursday 28th November at 19:30 for 20:00. 

I have invited all the candidates and will update you as they reply. 

In the meantime please put this in your diary.

Sadly, we have to ask you for £2 attendance fee at the door to cover the cost of hiring the venue.

Kind regards,


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Can you write a story in 101 words?

Here are a few examples Click here

The website takes stories of - go on guess how many words! This is great for adults or students who lack the confidence to write anything longer.

You can also send your story to where the parameters are 85 to 1000 words so you will be well within them.

9000 people have visited so far and you can make it 9001, so come along.

101 is also the non-emergency number for the police in the UK so should be easy to remember. One caveat is that Libre Office, Open Office and Google Docs have different ways of counting words. Ludicrous but true

I use Open Office under Windows. I have just completed a document and got a word count of 50255.I then opened the same document in Libre Office under Knoppix and got a word count of 49078. Out of curiosity I opened it in Google Docs and got a word count of 48979.

For I usually count by hand to make sure!.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lord Farage?

What price has Farage demanded from Boris for his craven capitulation?

It is possible that the Brexit Party would not have been able to contend every seat in the election so let their anti-Labour venom dictate their policy. However, they will pay a price for their grovelling to the Conservative Government. Anyone who thought a vote for the Brexit Party was a protest against the Tories will have to think again

The DUP got a billion for their support for the Government. Is that the kind of price the Brexit Party wanted to receive.

Of course, Farage has denied that he wants a peerage. That is what he is saying this week. Next week he may have changed his tune yet again. He is quite a changeable chap.

Or is it simply the Nasty Party getting a boost from the Even Nastier Party? At the end of the day, isn't Farage just another Tory Bastard?

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Ambiguity and Armistice Day

After the first world war a weary population greeted the end of the war and celebrated peace. Armistice day became a day for commemoration of those who had died in that senseless slaughter. The Flanders poppy was a symbol of that. Millions still commemorate the fallen in that way.

Armistice day for them is not a chance to glorify war but to remember the fallen and celebrate peace. The ANZAC memorial in Sydney is dedicated to “all the victims of war”.

The politicians, monarchs and generals who send better people than themselves off to die have a different view. For them, remembrance is a celebration of war and hypocrisy. Millions of pounds each year are taken from the public and handed over to the millionaire arms merchants. The politicians who do this wear their poppies with Satanic pride.


Nobody is allowed to appear on TV without wearing a poppy. John Snow dubbed this attitude “poppy fascism”. News readers who have been forbidden to wear badges for World Aids Day are dragooned into wearing what is seen as a symbol glorifying war.

Harry Leslie Smith, a World War Two RAF veteran, has not worn a poppy since 2013 because he believes "the spirit of my generation has been hijacked" by latter-day politicians to "sell dubious wars" in Afghanistan and Iraq. 

Some have responded by wearing a white "Peace" poppy instead.

Socialists take no issue with those who genuinely want to commemorate the fallen or celebrate the end of a war. Those who use remembrance to score cheap political points while doing nothing to put an end to war are beneath contempt. 

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Boris and the NHS

The Daily Mirror revealed back in September that "Boris Johnson's '40 new hospitals' is actually just six and they're not all new."

In all likelihood he wants them all named after him.
The Boris Johnson Sexual Health Hospital
The Boris Johnson Rectal Hospital
The Boris Johnson Home for Incurables

and so on

All the proposed new money for the NHS is just a promise. And how much is a promise from Boris worth? Also, the proposed new spending on Schools, NHS and other public services do not compensate for the cuts the Tories have introduced. They take with one hand and (pretend that they might one day) give with the other!

Here is how the Lewis Bonfire Celebrations celebrated Johnson

  It looks as though the election will be between Prorogue and Anti Rogue 

Corbyn can win with socialist policies!



Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Alun Cairns MP - typical Tory

Alun Cairns is a Tory. He denied knowing a Tory Welsh assembly candidate had made claims about a woman's sexual history in a rape trial in April 2018, causing the case to collapse. The BBC has found that he had an email about it a year ago.
The fact that he engages in such activities comes as no surprise. He is a disgrace but as I said in the first place, he is a Tory. What do you expect?

He loves Boris Johnson though.

Corbyn can win with socialist policies!



Not so clever

James Cleverly, Conservative Chairman, had a tough time on the Today Programme on Radio Four.

First, he had to defend Jacob Rees-Mogg for his casual insult to the victims of Grenfell Tower. Cleverly said it was OK because Rees-Mogg had apologised.

Next, he had to defend Francesca O’Brien, Tory candidate for Gower, who said that people on the reality TV show Benefits Street needed to be "put down". He brought out the somewhat tired Rees-Mogg defence that she had apologised.

Finally, he had to defend a fake video which the Tories used to attack Labour. On that there was no apology and he finally managed to get in his key phrase "Get Brexit Done". He said that the real video was also available as well as the fake one.

Not a good day for him. It was a good day for Boris Johnson who managed to get his ludicrous comparison of Jeremy Corbyn with Stalin published in a nice impartial article in the Daily Telegraph written by one Boris Johnson.

Corbyn can win with socialist policies!



Monday, November 04, 2019

unprincipled alliance

What principles do Plaid, the Greens and LibDems have? Their unprincipled alliance says it all. 
Plaid and the Greens support a vicious capitalist party which kept the Tories in power, betrayed everyone who voted for them and licked David Cameron's backside to keep in power.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Europol are not that daft.

Observer story about Europol excluding Britain is extremely daft if Europol want to catch criminals they will cooperate with countries outside the EU. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hostile Environment costs lives

The hypocritical effluence coming from Priti Patel and Boris Johnson in the wake of the discovery of 39 bodies in a container in Essex is sickening. It is an attempt to deny the Tory Party's responsibility. The anti-immigrant hatred of the Conservative Party led to the deaths of those 39 people.

People who want to claim asylum have to arrive illegally in order to join their family in the UK. The 'hostile environment' was created by the Conservative Party in order to gain votes from the openly racist politicians of UKIP and the Brexit Party.

The hatred has consequences. 39 people have died thanks to this hate campaign. The crocodile tears of the Prime Minister and Home Secretary raise hypocrisy to a new level.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

In Defence of Trotskyism

The title reminds me of "In Defence of Marxism" in which Trotsky had to defend the basic ideas of Marxism against the revisionists around Burnham and Shachtman in the American SWP. Burnham and Shachtman and their ideas have long been confined to the dustbin of history but Trotsky's work remains a book which can educate anybody of any age - unless they think they already know everything of course.

The four books which most influenced me were:

The Communist Manifesto (I read my father's copy of this when I was ten). I've read it again since. At ten it was the flow of the language which kept my attention but later on the ideas became more important.

The Iron Heel by Jack London. I have written a book about the role of the hero in this book. Trotsky reviewed it favourably when Jack London's daughter sent him a copy. I think the main message is that you are as likely to appeal to the "better nature" of the capitalist class as you are to persuade a pack of wolves not to eat you! Jack London was a great writer. I also recommend his short stories.

The Role of the Hero

In Defence of Marxism which clarified many issues for me. The degeneration of the Soviet state under Stalin was something my father never came to terms with. We went on getting Soviet Weekly in our house for years after his death in 1959. The main reason for his thinking was that the people who were bad-mouthing the USSR were the same people who cursed the poor and the unemployed in the 1930s. Trotsky explains why this is so and a lot more besides.

The Transitional Program which - in 1938 - gave a much-needed message of hope which is still relevant today. The idea of a "transitional program" which starts from the consciousness of the working class right now and moulds a movement for the overthrow of capitalism bridges the gap between consciousness today and the historical task for which the working class is best suited.

The Transitional Program for Kindle and paperback

West Sussex Library cuts

West Sussex County Council has engaged in a fake consultation over library cuts. They are, in effect, asking voters to become their accomplices in cutting vital services.

The mobile library service, for example, is very important for people who are housebound and cannot afford to buy books from Amazon all the time. Tory Councillors may be swimming in money but most service users are not.

It is disingenuous for West Sussex to ask the public "which services shall we cut" when there should be no cuts. If West Sussex councillors do not want to vote through a no-cuts budget they will have to stand aside for anyone who will do so.

The Tories cut library services for the same reason the far right burn books. They are frightened of ideas.

The link is here
Make your voice heard!

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Old Etonian Shysters

Tony Little, former head of Eton said that the nation would have been “better served” if Boris Johnson, David Cameron and Jacob Rees Mogg had not all been educated at Eton College. They were giving Eton a bad name.

Here are some old Etonians:

Jonathan Anwyl, 44, was part of a scheme, believed to be the biggest direct tax fraud in British history, which convinced the rich and famous they could cut their tax bill by investing in "ethical" environmental projects.

Andrew Picard was spared jail after creating and sharing thousands of 'appalling' child abuse images.

The Honorable Thomas Cholmondeley (honourable indeed!) was imprisoned for manslaughter after shooting a poacher. The leniency of his punishment was a relief to his family, according to the Daily Telegraph.

The list goes on and on.

I fail to see how leading Conservatives can be ‘giving Eton a bad name’. When you consider how many shysters can name Eton as their alma mater. It is a bit like giving Wormwood Scrubs ‘a bad name’. 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

One Man and His Machete

This is the opening of a story from Darkness in Durrington
There was a time when a decent burglar (if there is such a thing) would wait until the family was out or at least try to burgle the house quietly without disturbing anybody. Not any more. Machete man will break into a house, usually with a friend; he will demand money, cards and pin numbers and he will start hacking off body parts if he doesn't get them.

Of course, this couldn't possibly happen in Durrington. Except that apparently it had.

“A couple in Dartmoor Close, Durrington were robbed by two thieves wielding machetes who broke into their house and demanded money with menaces on Monday night between the hours of ten and eleven. The police are appealing for witnesses,” More Radio announced.

Micah and I were sitting in the Black Cat having breakfast.

“It would have been dark and the street lights are coming on later and later as part of an economy drive,” Micah observed. “I live here because it is a nice place where this sort of thing does not happen. Be quiet, Craig.”

I hadn't thought of saying anything at this point.

“It's not our case obvs, but we can't let this go.”

She had picked up the use of “obvs” for “obviously” from a niece and I was quietly waiting for her to drop it again.

“So what can we do?”

“Well we could at least ask around.”

For me “asking around” usually meant a phone call to Sekonda. To Micah it usually meant illegally accessing police information. Still, each to their own.

That evening as we were tucking into spaghetti bolognese (my spag bol is of surpassing excellence if I say so myself) we compared notes.

“The man's name is Lech Bocks. That is to say the victim's name. I don't know Machete man's name. Not yet.” Micah began.

“He was bullied at school by people who wanted to see if he could box. Children can be very cruel,” I added.

Micah nodded.

“His partner is called Tayla Match.” Micah was making notes.

“Actually his wife. She just kept her maiden name for obvious reasons. Too many jokes just begging to be told.,” I said.

Micah also had their dates of birth and various other data.

“Machete Man had a strong Glaswegian accent. His accomplice was the silent type. Average height, average clothes, average everything really. The balaclavas were knitted.”

“Anything else?”

“Well a lot of people use their date of birth for a password and this couple were no different. Their bank account confirms that they took out all the money from it on the day of the robbery,” Micah paused.

I waited and eventually she continued.

“I looked back over the last few months. The lion's share of their incomes from the County Council (Tayla) and from Barclays (Lech) were transferred to a numbered account with Nationwide. The name of the account-holder was a money-lender, Simon Dangerfield. His rates of interest would make Shylock's eyes water.”

“Does that make him a suspect?”

“Yes and no. If they defaulted on a payment then he would have to make an example of them. On the other hand, if they kept up the payments he would be the last person to rob them. Added to which he is a nasty little man.”

I “accidentally on purpose” bumped into Lech at the Crown. It is not a pub I would frequent for choice. The carpets squelch.

I couldn't take Barker because they ban dogs. In any case I think he would need a bath after contact with that carpet. Nevertheless we did discuss dogs. Lech owns a Staffie called Jaruzelski. Jaruzelski had a number of little habits which were cute or irritating depending on your perspective.

We went on to talk for a while about Brexit and the state of the nation but he was bound to mention his recent experience as an example of the latter.

He did.
To be continued in Death in Durrington

Kindle edition  very reasonably priced

Paperback edition Some people prefer paperbacks and you can borrow them from libraries which is a plus.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Jacques Chirac

When Jacques Chirac stood against Le Pen in the presidential election of 2002, the slogan which sticks in my mind was "Vote for the Crook not the Nazi". The BBC showed voters who ritually disinfected themselves after voting for Chirac. Hardly a ringing endorsement.

The slogan was in fact prescient because in 2011, he became the first former president to be convicted of corruption following embezzlement charges in a party funding scandal when he was mayor of Paris.The courts were exceptionally lenient, letting him off with a token suspended sentence. This contrasts with the detention of the "sans papiers" who faced time in jail when they had not committed a crime.

France is no stranger to corrupt politicians but Chirac managed to stand out as a hideous example.

Socialist Reviews
Death Agony of Capitalism