Thursday, December 19, 2019


This year I published twelve short stories together in Darkness in Durrington which is the third book in the Durrington Detective Agency trilogy. I do not know if I will produce another book and turn it into a tetralogy. I have written one more Durrington Detective Agency story since Darkness in Durrington.

I have written reviews of books, TV programmes and films for The Socialist. One result was that I was expelled from the Labour Party. I asked Worthing West Labour Party to point to a single sentence that I had written which was anti-Labour. I was told that the content was "irrelevant". No writer wants to hear that!

My review of Tombland was also published in Printed Words magazine and I didn't get expelled from anything for that.

I have had work published in Alternative History Fiction, the Tall Tales and Short stories anthology and in Page and Spine in America. I was going to include a story in The Moon but I checked and that was actually December 2017. How time flies.

The blog has been successful with over 45 contributors and 10000 visitors. 

                                Author page of Amazon

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