Monday, December 16, 2019

Ten years of Tories

If the BBC had a shred of honesty they would revisit the people they interviewed before the election who said they were Labour voters but would vote Conservative. They would ask them if they voted for ten years of Tory austerity (ten years of cuts, ten years of lies etc).

The Tories shut down Parliament because it wouldn't do their bidding. They aim to shut down elections too in case the electorate tire of them.

Johnson intends to revoke the fixed term Parliament Act with the intention of ten years of Tory rule. He might as well elect himself dictator for life and have done with it.

The BBC and Channel Four have had thinly veiled threats from the Tories that they will either toe the party line or their funding will be cut.

Prior to the election the broadcasters and the gutter press focussed on convincing Labour voters it was OK to vote Tory just this once to "Get Brexit Done". The horrifying reality of ten years with the horror clown in number ten will gradually dawn on them. All the promises of more money for schools and the NHS will vanish like the mist.

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