Saturday, February 16, 2019

Heroes and Villains

John Mcdonnell's comments about Churchill's role in Tonypandy has sent the right-wing media and - to their shame - the BBC into hysterical fits. And yet the facts cannot be disputed, Churchill sent troops against striking miners. The odious Nicholas Soames leapt to Churchill's defence but failed to mention any of the historical events involved.Instead he implied that Churchill had single-handedly won the Second World War.

History is not made by heroes or villains and very few people can be summed up by one word.

Churchill did not originally oppose Fascism, he gave his wholehearted support to Mussolini in his "triumphant struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism."

No one person was responsible for the outcome of the war, millions were involved and millions died, many of them Russian. Presumably they had the "the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism," which Churchill so disliked.

It was, as Soames presumably forgets, a *world* war. It was not a single-handed conflict.

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