Friday, June 12, 2020

British History Matters

"British History Matters" is the slogan of the far right to counter #blacklivesmatter. It is the concept that the statues of long-dead racists are more important than the lives of people living here and now and encountering hatred and prejudice.

Hatred and prejudice precisely arises from the myths of colonialism which constitute a fake "British History".

For many years the history books have excluded those thousands who struggled and gave their lives in the fight against colonialism while glorifying imperialists like Cecil Rhodes and Baden Powell.

Oh and don't take my word for it. "British and Gurkha troops massacre hundreds of unarmed demonstrators in Amritsar Massacre" was the headline on the History website recalling the massacre which was carefully excluded from traditional History Books..

Baden Powell was an admirer of Hitler. Modern revisionist historians have sought to obscure this. They have failed to explain his admiration for Mein Kampf. He said it was " A wonderful book with good ideas on education, health, propaganda, organisation etc'. (This was all "a misunderstanding" apparently). The revisionists have failed to explain why he sought to meet with Hitler. Was it to tell him he disagreed with the Nazis? And the old boy scout badge, have you ever seen it? It incorporates the Fleur de Lys with a swastika.

Supporters of the old Imperialist claim that the Swastika is just an innocent good luck symbol. The Nazis adopted it in 1920 and Baden Powell would know from his beloved Mein Kampf (p497) that "the swastika is an exclusively anti-semitic symbol". The Scouts dropped the symbol in 1935, a little late.

You see. British History is quite interesting, isn't it?

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