Monday, August 31, 2020

eBay or Amazon

This year as an experiment "Brevity" (an audio book) went on eBay. It is necessary for a cheap audiobook to be brief - the whole book lasts an hour and fits on one CD and retails for £1.

This has been very enjoyable because it is a bit like a virtual book fair. The stories themselves are "new ones, old ones, loved ones and neglected ones" as they used to say on the wireless.(Semprini Serenade)

In addition to eBay CDs have been sold directly to readers (listeners I mean).

The feedback was all positive:

  • Positive Feedback
    by o***n
    During past month
  • Positive Feedback
    by i***f
    During past month
    i have listened to.
  • Positive Feedback
    by 6***6
    During past month
    Very happy, great service
  • Positive Feedback
    by s***2
    During past month
    all easy
  • Positive Feedback
    by 0***r
    During past month
    Great price for a really interesting product, fast delivery, highly recommended
    The last is my favourite!


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