Monday, May 25, 2020

Truth Twisters

Pride of place must go to this tweet from the UK Civil Service. There will be an inquiry into who sent this tweet but no inquiry promised into #Cummingsgate

The Daily Mail is hilarious. They have so far given Boris the support they lavished on Mosley but this was too much even for them.

The Daily Mirror has a good summary of the situation:

This was not the action of a father doing the best for his children. This was the action of someone who ordered everybody else to stay at home and then bent the rules when it didn't suit him. He is unapologetic and arrogant.

The anger has even got some Tory commentators turning on Cummings. The main fear of Tim Loughton MP was that his constituents in Worthing would be encouraged to flout the rules and "do a Dom". He was not alone in pointing out the sacrifices other people have made, not attending the funerals of loved ones for example.

However, there are many other issues about the government's flawed handling of the C-virus pandemic. Dom's disaster should not obscure the dire situation in care homes and the continued shortage of PPE in the NHS.

When this lousy pandemic is over, the Conservatives ought to face a reckoning. They have made generous handouts to the rich but left many families with precisely no money coming in.

Derek McMillan

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