Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Project Fear

Bog-standard Blairites like Alistair Campbell are on the BBC seemingly every day advocating a second referendum on the EU. If they succeeded in getting a second referendum and the vote went in favour of the EU, this would be construed as a victory for the EU policies of austerity and privatisation.

For Blairites, this is preferable to a general election because they are too busy fighting the Labour Party's current leadership to be bothered fighting against the Tories. An election would place before the voters a clear choice between the EU policy of austerity and privatisation and a Labour alternative. That is a choice the Blairites do not want presented.

In the event of a second referendum, they can rely on the BBC to present their own "dodgy dossier" of "facts" on Brexit. You will all be starving, there will be troops on the streets to quell social unrest and keep essential supplies moving. If that is the BBC "fact check" on Radio Four then I wonder what their fiction department is like. Project Fear with knobs on!

Their stock-in-trade is lies.

The fight to bring down this ramshackle government is one which will have to take place without the help or hindrance of bog-standard Blairites. They are good for nothing.

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