Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Gove Riddance

Teachers mourn the passing of Michael Gove!

Never has the departure of a Secretary of State for Education been greeted with such jubilation. For the moment teachers just rejoice at the news that the arrogant little Gove has gone.

And then reflect (perhaps tomorrow) that Chief Whip could be seen as a promotion in the sadomasochistic parlance of Westminster and we could still face the prospect of a Gove as Prime Minister some day in the future. And will Nicky Morgan pursue the failed policy of Free Schools, confrontation with the teachers over pay and pensions and the deprofessionalisation of teaching by the employment of unqualifed staff to teach our children?

The homophobic corporate lawyer Nicky Morgan, is regarded as a "safe pair of hands" by the Tories.

La lutte continue

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