Wednesday, February 12, 2014

IDS shoots himself in the foot :)

Iain  Duncan Smith has a bit of a thing about Freedom of Speech.

His attacks on the disabled and people on benefits - while he lives in the lap of luxury at our expense - brought into being a twitter feed called @UKJCP or "UKJobCentrePlus NOT" which satirises his department and exposes its machinations.
He was not pleased.

He was not pleased at all.

He was so displeased that he started throwing his toys out of the pram and tried to force Twitter to close it down. The man described as the DWP Brand Manager Jon Woodcock said "The account has been set up with deliberate and malicious intent to devalue and criticise the work of Jobcentre Plus." The fact that they have no money for the poor but can employ an expensive "Brand Manager" is beyond satire.
Twitter obeyed Mr Duncan-Smith. 

They were, according to The i newspaper, convinced that the suspension of the account amounted to censorship by 'effectively silencing criticism of UK Government'.. Twitter didn't realise this for themselves? A bit slow on the uptake perhaps.

Now @UKJCP is back at work. The final result of Mr Smith's crackdown is that they had coverage in the mainstream media which makes Iain Duncan Smith look an idiot and a consequent boost to their audience. 

Freedom of Speech 1

Iain Duncan Smith 0

Will be free to Socialists on 15 February

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