Saturday, August 03, 2013

C of E vicar miles ahead of the Labour leaders

This is utterly ludicrous. According to the Daily Mirror, retired C of E vicar Paul Nicolson is prepared to go to jail for non-payment of council tax in protest over the bedroom tax.

'He will tell the court he will not pay a penny of this money – until Haringey Council restores 100% council tax benefit for benefit claimants and the Government stops the Benefit Cap he believes is destroying his community.
'“Civil disobedience is morally defensible,” he will say, “when the laws being highlighted are morally indefensible.”
'The father of five, who has nine grandchildren, says he is prepared to go to jail for his beliefs.

The link is here

Are the political elite listening? Are the union leaders listening? An 82-year-old is putting the lot of you to shame. This is in marked contrast to the Bishop of London whose eulogy to Thatcher even had staunch Tories reaching for the sick bag. (There are apocryphal rumours that he wears a bracelet saying "What would Judas do?")

It is a sign of the times that the Churches are having to step in where the politicians fear to tread. There is no party of the working class. Nobody stands up for the poor so there are even elements of the Churches who are in advance of the politicians. It is not good enough. The people who are prepared to stand up and be counted in fighting the bedroom tax, the people in TUSC who are prepared to stand against the Labour Traitors in elections are to be applauded.

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