Friday, July 12, 2013

Dave Nellist on Miliband

Dave Nellist, the chair of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, Labour MP 1983-92, and Socialist Party councillor 1998-2012, looks at Labour leader Ed Miliband's attack on Unite the Union.
The article is in The Socialist
Inter Alia it says, 

"In April 1990, Labour was 24 points ahead in the opinion polls (substantially further ahead than now). Instead of attacking the Tories in government it attacked the leaders of the anti-poll tax campaign and the socialists who supported the Militant newspaper (the Socialist's forerunner).

"Labour expelled many socialists, including myself, but the Tory press wasn't satisfied. They came back for more, with papers such as the Evening Standard demanding that dozens of left supporting MPs face a similar end. Miliband attacking Unite over Falkirk will have a comparable result. And Labour lost the 1992 election!"

Dave Nellist is a living example of the fact that Labour MPs don't have to be corrupt lickspittles of the rich - he worked as an MP for an average worker's wage. The rest of the political elite could never forgive him for that.

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