Sunday, July 14, 2024

Shooting Trump

Shooting Trump is the stupidest thing to do. 

It would make a martyr of him. 

It also distracts attention from the insurrection of January 6th 2021.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Nato marks 75 years of hypocrisy

What on earth is the use of NATO?

Although it opposes Putin in Ukraine, it is blind to the atrocities committed by the Israeli Defence Force in Gaza.

Why? Because Israeli is defined as a "friendly power" and "friendly powers" can engage in genocide without NATO turning a hair.

The bombing of a childrens' hospital by Russian forces is rightly condemned as a war crime. Similar bombings by Israel are met with a deafening silence from NATO.

NATO members have also been happy to sell weapons to Israel. The hypocrisy is palpable.


A tale of two hospitals. One in Gaza and one in Ukraine.

Sunday, July 07, 2024


"Centrism"  means appealing to the so-called "middle ground" in politics.

It is perfectly clear that "centrism" has allowed the Fascists to make gains in France. People no longer believe that any politicians will make any difference to their lives and this has led some people to believe that the far right are at least suggesting some radical solution even if it is a particularly ridiculous one.

And the Fascists have also made small gains in the UK. The pathetic 5 seats of Reform UK has been built up by the media as a triumph for their policies of "using migrants for target practice" or believing it would have been better for Britain to obey Hitler than to go to war with him.

If Labour paid more attention to the needs of the working class, they would no doubt be denounced as "extremists". It was the "extremism" of the 1945 Labour government which gave us the National Health Service. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Monday, July 01, 2024


Audio Story

There were people in the house when we arrived home. We came into the living room and they were sitting there as bold as brass on our sofa. One of them was smoking. SMOKING in the house! He was ignoring the absence of ashtrays and using the carpet instead. He seemed at home.

“Robbers!” shouted Angelina.

The couple looked at us in some surprise.

Audio Story