Wednesday, November 30, 2022

TES downloads

Resources on the Times Education Supplement website. Free to download

Friday, November 25, 2022

233 sales for Brevity series

Ebay report 233 sales for the Brevity series.
All the feedback has been positive.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Spoiler Alert, answers to the old money quiz

What follows is the answers to the old money quiz.

These are my answers anyway.

They might all be wrong!



1) Sun moon and a star are three far things = 3/4d

2) A gorilla's leg joint would be an ape knee 1/2d

3) Penny 1d

4) A penny farthing 1 1/4 d

5) A baby kangaroo and a three penny bit were both called a Joey 3d

6) The largest Maundy coin is a fourpenny bit 4d

7) Dutch money is a Euro now but used to be a florin 2/-

8) Bob 1/-

9 A tanner 6d

10) A tiara could be a crown but Glenda suggested half a crown 2/6

11) A dollar was 5 shillings 5/-

12) A snow leopard is called an ounce (it just is) so eight would be half a pound 10/-

13) Guinea £1 1s

14) Oh dear this is the worst. Sick squid £6

15) Tenor £10 

Old money quiz

I was given this at Quiz Club today. I do not know all the answers yet. However they are all amounts of old money: pounds, shillings and pence and of course farthings.

1) Sun, moon and a star.

2) A gorilla's leg joint

3) A girl's name.

4) A bicycle

5) A baby kangaroo

6) The largest Maundy coin

7) Dutch money

8) A boy's name

9) A leather worker

10) A tiara

11) A dollar

12) Eight snow leopards

13) A pig

14) A poorly sea creature

15) Male singer

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Fiction Books

 Total fiction books = 12

The latest is the audiobook "Brev"


The most recent Durrington Detective Agency book is Darkness in Durrington

The best thing about this series is that people who buy one, tend to buy them all.

My fiction books are as follows:

The Mirror of Eternity Series

The Mirror of Eternity

Salt Wars 

The Miranda Revolution

Defending the Sangreal

Domain of Dreams

Space Dog Alfred Series

Space Dog Alfred

Planet of the Dogs

Durrington Detective Agency series

Durrington Detective Agency

Death in Durrington

And a collection of short stories

Pot Pourri

Proverb Quiz

The good news is that all my quizzes are going to be published this year in "The Evil Quizmaster"
Amazon are funny (in fact they are hilarious) about anything in a book being published on a blog so I have removed any quizzes which will be in the upcoming book from this blog. The one which remains will not be in the book.
The Evil Quizmaster


Monday, November 07, 2022

Word Quiz

The good news is that all my quizzes are going to be published this year in "The Evil Quizmaster"
Amazon are funny (in fact they are hilarious) about anything in a book being published on a blog so I have removed any quizzes which will be in the upcoming book from this blog. The one which remains will not be in the book.
The Evil Quizmaster