The NEU and its predecessor unions have a record of fighting on the issue of child poverty. No Conservative government will eradicate poverty because their power and privileges depend on it. However as we have seen with the Marcus Rashford campaign, they can have their hand forced.
The NEU website has the following demands
The Government must act on 5 pressing issues to give children trapped in poverty the access to the education they need
- Expand the Free School Meal (FSM) scheme to include every child (up to the age of 16) from a household in receipt of Universal Credit, or equivalent benefits.
- Eradicate holiday hunger by extending FSM provision of at least £15 per child per week during all school holidays.
- Reform all school uniform policies to ensure uniform options are affordable for families in the local community.
- Provide free household internet access for children and young people in households on Universal Credit.
- Establish a new, dedicated technology budget for all schools to combat the digital divide.