Sunday, March 22, 2015

No need for anti-racism?

According to the Institute for Race Relations, a body Nigel Farage could do without, "More than 500 black and ethnic minority individuals have died in suspicious circumstances while in state detention over the past 24 years, but not a single official has been successfully prosecuted." I wonder how Ukippers feel about this.

The i talks about "UKIP in meltdown." Is it not rather that the more extreme racist views are heard from UKIP the more such ideas gain in credibility. The media-fuelled hysteria over immigration allows politicians of all parties to make racist statements. The media seldom interview migrants. Migrants are only seen as shadowy figures and linked to terrorism, unemployment, NHS waiting lists - you name it. The migrant is the new scapegoat for all the ills of capitalism.

And the real villains of the piece? Only TUSC seem to be talking about the one percent who hog all the wealth and will use any dirty trick to make sure they keep hold of it!

All the politicians are receiving dirty money from hedge funds, even indirectly the dictatorship in Kazakstan who keep Blair in clover. Only TUSC relies on money from ordinary people. And today they need it more than ever.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Hysteria against migrants

BBC South East have produced an exposé of people trafficking. In the run up to the election we can expect more and more coverage about migrants. The BBC like to appear respectable and not racist but the choice of the issue of immigration rather than the issue of racism gives the impression that the first is a problem but the second is not worthy of TV coverage.

The link is here

What was missing was any compassion for the migrants. They were not seen as human beings. There were plenty of interviews but the BBC refused to talk to any of the migrants. Their stories were likely to be more interesting than this hysterical exposé.

What was their crime? Going to Italy. You would think Ukippers everywhere would cheer about migrants leaving the country but no.

The gutter press will be full of anti-migrant stories of course. If you expected any better from the BBC you will have been disappointed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How to contact The Guardian

Well first you have to want to contact The Guardian and it is not for everybody. However they have a very useful page with detailed information as follows
Click here

Pursuing this theme, I found The Times have a similar page
Click here
Under most circumstances you are better off stapling a hedgehog to your face than contacting a Murdoch newspaper!

The Independent is a bit more complicated but anyone who works there can usually be contacted by

Friday, March 13, 2015

Quirky Take on the Election

The Pet Dog Democratic Party Manifesto
Click here to try before you buy

The 2015 general election seems to have been going on since 2010. If you want an antidote to the boring platitudes from boring platitudinarians then look no further. This book has parts which are laugh-out-loud funny. It starts with an interesting alternative to shaking hands based on the behaviour of dogs and it gets funnier.

In addition there is a sustained and persistent political satire. You will notice I avoided the adjective "dogged". It is a gentle satire but none the less effective for that.

I would not dream of suggesting Rosemary J Kind is barking  (after all she publishes my short stories). I will just say that it is a good thing Alfie Dog has a level head on his shoulders.

Buy this book.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Trainers on the ground?

Private Eye derided Cameron's posturing over the Ukraine. No boots on the ground just trainers.

Napoleon, then Hitler, now Cameron wants to take on Russia. History repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce.

Napoleon Cameron has not got a cat in Hell's chance of winning against Russia. NATO is playing a stupid and dangerous game but it is not the politicians' lives on the line. They will send better people than themselves out to die.

And who said it was the white man's burden to go out and sort out a complex civil war in which an ethnic minority Russian community feel under threat and Moscow sees its chance to defend its borders against NATO incursions? It was probably Kipling. It might have been Michael Gove. This ludicrous sabre-rattling ahead of an election should fool nobody. A Government in deep trouble at home tries to divert attention by baiting the Russian bear.

The Western powers are playing a very dangerous game. It is one thing to attack a country they know very well did not have weapons of mass destruction. I don't think the Russian ICBMs are a convenient fiction. They are real enough.

And when pensioners and the unemployed have to make hard decisions because of lack of money, we suddenly have billions to squander on this dangerous nonsense? Have we?

Monday, March 09, 2015

Six Book Challenge

The Six Book Challenge involves reading six books in six months. You can do this.

The website has all sorts of possibilities to swap information about books so I recommend you give it a try. If you are a teacher, your pupils can take part too.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Where does an honest man get 100000 pounds from?

Blair's 100000 bribe to the Labour Party disposes of the lie that Miliband has broken with the crimes of the Blair years. If they had a shred of dignity they would tell Blair to take his blood money and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

More simply it could be used to help widows and orphans in Iraq. Blair lied. People died.

Blair is currently the paid lackey of the regime in Kazakhstan. Now a handful of the millions of dollars which he receives for helping this regime are in the hands of Labour candidates. They should hang their heads in shame.


Thursday, March 05, 2015

Police squander our money attacking peace campaigner

John Catt is a political campaigner against war. He is 90 years old. The cops have squandered a fortune pursuing him through the courts for their right to keep surveillance records on someone who has committed no crime. The Supreme Court has ruled that the police are well within their rights to use anti-terror legislation against a political opponent with no link to terrorism.

This is the final nail in the coffin of the pretense that anti-terror laws are not used against the government't domestic opponents who are pursuing peaceful lawful protest.

The main purpose of the anti-terror legislation is to terrorise anyone who criticises the government's international policy which could charitably be described as brute force and ignorance.

Long live John Catt. Don't let the bastards grind you down.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

No place to call home

No Place to call home is reviewed in the Independent here

The programme shows how the policies of the government (the 'hard decisions' Ian Duncan Smith and his millionaire colleagues have had to make) have affected the lives of the poor. The program itself, which I watched by accident, is harrowing in parts and heartening in others.

It is harrowing when it shows how the council can wash their hands of a family because they are intentionally homeless. How many politicians with their fat expenses have had to live a winter without heating because their landlord cannot be bothered to fix the boiler? Would they choose to leave that house and make themselves 'intentionally homeless'?

It is heartening in showing how the families manage to survive in these appalling circumstances. In the end they are superior to the politicians who think of themselves as their betters.

Iain Duncan Smith should be nailed to a chair and forced to watch this programme. It is evidence of why the politicians would like to ditch the BBC in favour of Rupert Murdoch. TV is already mainly celebrity bullshit and repeats. They would prefer it to be 100 percent.

And none of the political class could care less about this. Well "don't care" was made to care. You can vote against this canaille. You can vote for socialist and anti-cuts candidates.


Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Who will defend the NHS

Michael Sheen defends the NHS and calls the Labour Traitors to account.
An excellent speech. "For God's sake believe in something." MPs are too busy with their expense accounts to care.

 Vote for anti-privatisation candidates. Vote TUSC


Sunday, March 01, 2015

Save the NHS Stop TTIP

TTIP could be a death sentence for the NHS

*Public Meeting* 
*St Paul’s Chapel Road Worthing* 
*Thursday 19th March 7pm* 
*Speakers: * 
Guy Taylor – Global Justice 
Tom Lines – UNITE Brighton Stalls and videos 
The Lime Café will be open Question and answer time Please come along and support this event and please publicise it among your friends, family and colleagues. There is a facebook page: 
Worthing against TTIP 
